Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer If You’ve Been in a Bicycle Accident?

Many people have no idea that bicycle accidents have been increasing in recent history. In fact, bicycle transportation accidents are 44% more common now than they were 10 years ago. Experts estimate that bicyclists suffered from more than 425,000 injuries in 2020 that required treatment in the emergency room.

Even after such a serious accident, not everyone is certain if their situation merits hiring a bike accident lawyer. After all, most people have never been in such a situation before. However, you do not want to have to learn through trial and error whether or not you should get a bike accident attorney to help you.

If you do need the services of a bike accident lawyer, you will want to find one as soon as possible. Doing so may help you take a lot of stress off of your plate and get the help you need to recover after a bad accident. So how can you know if you should hire a personal injury lawyer after your bike accident?

Read on to learn all about the top reasons you might need a bicycle accident lawyer on your side! 

Hire a Bike Accident Lawyer to Defend Yourself

In some cases, the other involved party might blame you for an accident. They might even decide to take you to court. In that situation, you will need to find a bicycle accident lawyer to help you defend yourself.

Some people imagine that they might be able to represent themselves in court. However, if the other side has a bicycle accident lawyer helping them, you will almost certainly lose your legal battle unless you have your own bicycle accident lawyer.

That goes double because it is easy for people to make certain mistakes in the time leading up to their day in court. Doing or saying the wrong thing might do a lot to weaken your chances of defending yourself in court without you even realizing it.

A bicycle accident attorney will be able to advise you about how to avoid mistakes that might be fatal to your legal outcome.

Ask a Bicycle Accident Lawyer if You Can Sue

On the other hand, if you have suffered serious damages in a bike accident, you might want to get a bicycle accident attorney to help you prepare a lawsuit against the other party.

Serious damages can include damage done to your bike as well as injuries to your person. That goes double if your injuries create compounding problems in your life. For example, if they keep you from being able to work, then your damages will include the loss of wages.

However, you may not be able to tell right away if you have any chance of winning a lawsuit. If that describes your situation, you should speak with a bicycle accident lawyer about the accident. They can give you their professional opinion about whether or not you could win a lawsuit in court.

Keep in mind that you do not have to hire the first bicycle accident lawyer you speak with about your situation. If the lawyer you talk to says that you could win your case in court, then you might want to start looking around for a lawyer with a strong track record of winning cases for bicycle accident clients.

Get Negotiation Help From a Bicycle Accident Attorney

Many people don’t know that most lawsuits settle out of court. This can save everyone a lot of time and stress.

It can also guarantee that you receive some compensation for your damages. If you end up in court, there’s always the chance that you will lose your case and receive nothing.

However, even if you don’t end up in court, you will need a bicycle accident attorney to help you negotiate a settlement. With an experienced lawyer on your side, you can increase how much you are likely to receive from the negotiation process.

It can also be helpful to have someone represent you in negotiations who was not involved in the accident personally. Many people have strong emotions about the other party involved in a bad bike accident. Although these emotions may be valid, they can interfere with a successful negotiation strategy.

Get a Lawyer to Win a Bicycle Accident Case

If you do take a lawsuit all the way to court, then you will need a lawyer to maximize your chance of winning your bicycle accident case. Your lawyer will help you present your story in the most persuasive way possible. They can also tell your story on your behalf and argue the merits of your case based on the details of the law.

Choosing a Lawyer Can Help You Relax

Choosing a lawyer to represent you can help you relax after a serious bicycle accident injury. Many people feel overwhelmed when they are trying to manage their legal situation while also recovering from a bicycle accident injury. Having someone who can do the complicated legal work for you can let you focus on your health.

Find the Right Help for Your Bicycle Accident Claim

When you choose a lawyer to help you with your bicycle accident claim, you will want to spend some time comparing lawyer fees. It can also help to look at reviews for bike accident lawyers online.

By looking at reviews and comparing lawyer fees, you can increase the chance that you find a lawyer who will do great work for you at a price that makes sense. We have devoted a significant part of our legal work to helping bike accident victims receive compensation for their damages.

Know When to Hire a Bike Accident Lawyer

Most people have no idea when it makes sense to hire a bike accident lawyer. That can make it difficult to make the right decisions as you navigate the complicated legal aftermath of a bad bike accident. Knowing when to hire a bike accident lawyer to help you can make sure that your recovery journey is as easy as possible.

To learn more about how you can find the best bike accident attorney to help you, reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!