When Should You Call a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

Value Penguin reveals over five million auto collisions in the United States annually and that 43% of auto crashes result in car accident injuries. Further, statistics suggest that one in 63 Americans have a chance of becoming involved in a car accident.

Even the safest driver must know when to hire an attorney after a car accident. They can be devastating, not only from the damage and injuries but from the crushing bills that come with it. You deserve swift compensation.

You should contact a car accident lawyer immediately following the circumstances. Of course, contact a lawyer whenever you are in doubt. Read on for the top reasons to make a quick phone call.

Injuries Are Involved

Car accident injuries require a brilliant attorney because you need help building a solid case. The only way to collect maximum compensation is with compelling evidence. Further, getting what you deserve requires navigating the legal system.

The law stipulates a statute of limitations. You want to ensure you make your case and file a suit in time, or you will never receive compensation from the at-fault party. The statute of limitations for car accident injuries in Georgia is two years.

Insurance companies also give deadlines. You will need a car accident lawyer to submit timely paperwork if you wish to protect your rights.

Car Accident Damage and Injuries Are Not Immediately Clear

Even if your car looks okay and you do not feel any car accident injuries, it is still possible they exist. That is why it is crucial to contact a lawyer quickly. If you do not investigate your case immediately, it can hurt your case.

Also, if you require medical help, most attorneys can refer you to the correct physician. When you are wondering when to hire an attorney after a car accident, regardless of whether you think you have no damage or injuries, it is best to get in touch as soon as possible following an auto crash.

Liability Is Unclear

Especially for an untrained eye of a victim who hasn’t experienced an auto crash, you may not be aware of who is liable. A professional attorney will be able to identify this for you. This could be the most challenging part.

It is common for all parties to assign blame to another individual. No one wants to pay out of pocket or risk rising insurance premiums. If the at-fault party has previous blemishes on their driving record, they will want to avoid taking responsibility at all costs.

Do not get tricked into thinking the auto crash is your fault. Contact a lawyer to help you piece together what happened, gather evidence, and make the party to blame responsible for compensation.

Insurance Claims Are Complex

Insurance policies are based on contracts, and they are apparent in their language, at least on the part of the insurance. It can be difficult for the average person to decipher their industry jargon.

Professional attorneys understand these documents because they have experience in their language. Further, they know the law surrounding them when car accident damage or an injury occurs. Therefore, cutting to the chase when reading their complicated text is much easier.

You must contact a lawyer to get to the heart of the matter. An attorney can see when the insurance company is acting in good faith. If the insurance is not holding to their responsibilities, a personal injury lawyer can give you options for how to rectify the situation best and obtain compensation.

Timely Guidance

While you want to meet the statute of limitations, insurance companies can be tricky in their policy. For instance, they may ask those involved in an auto crash to make a claim as soon as practical.

Remember that car accident injuries could mean medical bills with swift due dates. You may wish to repair your car immediately, especially if it is not in a condition where you can drive it. As the bills pile up, so does your stress level.

It is always best to handle these matters right away. An intelligent lawyer works in a timely to prevent complications from occurring.

Collect Evidence

An auto crash is jarring, so it can be difficult to remember all the details. It can be equally challenging to look around and absorb areas where you can collect evidence.

Unless you are in extreme pain and cannot physically collect evidence, no matter how upset you are, it is vital to take the time to gather what you can. Remember that your attorney will need it.

First, take pictures of videos where the collision took place. Call the police, even if the other party begs you not to. Keep all the records you receive from medical appointments, including bills and treatment.

A Car Accident Lawyer Will Preserve Evidence

This is one of the top reasons why the best time to hire an attorney after a car accident is right away. The right direction toward preserving evidence can be the difference between receiving maximum compensation or settling for less.

Evidence can be at risk of damage, destruction, or getting lost. Your lawyer must take steps to preserve it because this helps build your case.

Beyond what you collect, your attorney will look for nearby surveillance footage. This includes the Open Records Act, where they can obtain footage from traffic cameras.

Following the accident, it is essential to ask for contact information from witnesses. Your attorney can set up depositions.

Anti-Spoliation Letters

Further, a car accident lawyer can draft and send your anti-spoliation letter. What happens is that property or objects that are not yours can be thrown away or repaired, and you need them for your case. Therefore, an experienced personal injury attorney will send this letter to the owner, requiring them to preserve this evidence as is.

When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

It will make or break your case by knowing exactly when to hire an attorney after a car accident. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the car accident lawyers at Scholle Law. For over 20 years, we have represented clients in some of the gravest car accident cases.

You could be entitled to compensation if another party’s negligence has caused your car accident injuries or damage. Contact Scholle Law for a free consultation.