Conyers Truck Accident Lawyer

Heavy Semi Truck Traffic On The Interstate Highway

Rockdale County is connected to Atlanta via Interstate 20 and other roadways. These various highway corridors and roads serve trucks as well as other vehicles. As a result, large trucks often collide with other vehicles. When truck accidents happen, the aftermath can be catastrophic, and can even result in fatalities.

Georgia law provides avenues for victims of truck accidents to recover compensation for their losses. These losses can include lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, and other damages. 

While the law is clear, trucking companies and their insurers fight tooth and nail to avoid paying out any compensation. They may twist the story to make it seem like you were at fault, or that they otherwise were not at fault. The experienced attorneys at Scholle Law have seen these strategies used countless times over the past 25 years. 

We are not intimidated by trucking and insurance companies. Instead, our attorneys will aggressively negotiate for the compensation you deserve. If they refuse to offer an adequate amount, we will take them to court and argue your case in front of a judge and/or jury. 

If you or a loved one was injured or killed after a collision with an 18-wheeler, we can help. Call us at (866) 592-1296 or contact us online today for a free, no-obligation consultation with a Conyers truck accident lawyer.

Who Can Be Held Liable in a Truck Accident Lawsuit?

There are various possible defendants in a truck crash that causes fatal or serious injury. No matter the cause, a wreck of this nature can result in catastrophic, and sometimes fatal, injuries. Identifying the party at fault for the accident is one of the preliminary steps in filing a personal injury lawsuit. In some cases, multiple parties can be held liable.

The truck driver

Truck driver yawning while drivingMost commonly, truck wrecks happen due to driver error. Truckers must follow a great deal of local, state, and federal regulations. Perhaps the most important of these are the rules about how long a trucker can be on the road in one stretch. Mainly, truckers are only allowed to drive for 11 hours before they must take a 10-hour break and cannot drive more than 60 hours in one week. 

However, tight deadlines for deliveries often lead to truckers driving longer than they are legally allowed. They may also drive after not getting enough sleep. Drowsy drivers, along with inexperienced drivers, may make improper maneuvers, such as speeding and dangerous lane changes, that lead to crashes.

The trucking company

Trucking companies, carriers, and/or owners are responsible for ensuring their 18-wheelers are safe and are operating properly. They are also responsible for hiring qualified drivers, ensuring inspections are regularly conducted, and enforcing trucking regulations. In some cases, failure on the part of the trucking company presents itself as mechanical issues. 

For instance, the truck itself may have under- or over-inflated tires or bad brakes. The truck owner, which might well be a large company, can be responsible for a failure to properly maintain the truck. Perhaps the brakes failed or the lights were not functioning properly. If, after a full investigation, it is found that there is some sort of maintenance failure, the trucking company can well be named as a defendant in a personal injury case involving a truck crash. 

Cargo loaders, truck manufacturers, and other parties

Forklift driver loading goods pallet into a truck trailerAs heavy as semi trucks are, they can tip over if they are improperly loaded. Cargo must be balanced in the truck, from front to back, side to side, and top to bottom. If loading is not done properly, cargo may fall off the back of the trailer, or the trailer itself may roll over, especially when the truck goes around turns.

The manufacturer of the truck may also be held liable in the event of some wrecks. If a part of the truck malfunctions, especially if it fails well before it is supposed to be replaced, the company who made the truck is responsible for making victims whole again. Manufacturing defects may include tire blowouts, engine or brake failure, steering failure, and more.

There are also other parties that are involved in the trucking industry and may therefore be held liable in the event of a crash. For instance, some trucking companies have third-party dispatchers, mechanics, and administrative work vendors. If any of these parties fail in their duties and therefore cause a crash, you may be able to hold them liable.

Speak to a Conyers Truck Accident Attorney Today

If you have been harmed in a truck crash in Rockdale County, the injuries can be very severe. Yet even in the most severe cases, the responsible party may take drastic steps to avoid any liability. That is why it is so important to speak to an experienced attorney as soon as possible after a wreck. 

If you or a loved one was injured or killed after a collision with an 18-wheeler, we can help. Call us at (866) 592-1296 or contact us online today for a free, no-obligation consultation with a Conyers truck accident lawyer.