Jonesboro Car Accident Lawyer

Bystanders describing the scene of an accident to the police officerFrom 2016 to 2020, there were 225 fatalities from car wrecks in Clayton County, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. With roads connected to major interstate highways such as Interstate 75/85, U.S. Route 41 (Tara Boulevard), and State Route 138, chances for serious accidents are on the rise as more drivers speed through the area.

Victims of auto accidents can sustain serious bodily harm such as internal bleeding, spinal injuries, concussions, and even amputations. Such injuries can lead to long-lasting emotional and physical trauma. Accidents caused by negligent drivers can also put a family under immense financial pressure. Furthermore, a lack of sufficient legal knowledge could lead to the victims being cheated out of their rightful compensation.

If you have been injured in a car wreck in Clayton due to someone else’s actions or negligence, you have rights. The skilled attorneys at Scholle Law have successfully represented car accident victims throughout Georgia for over 25 years. We know how insurance companies try to get out of paying compensation. Through negotiations and, if needed, a court trial, we will fight for every dime you deserve.

To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a Jonesboro car accident lawyer, call us at (866) 592-1296 or contact us online today.

The Difference Between a Settlement vs. a Verdict

Court of Law and Justice Trial Session Impartial Honorable Judge Pronouncing Sentence, striking GavelWhat is the difference between a settlement and a verdict? Generally speaking, a settlement is an agreement reached by your attorney and the insurance company outside of court. If those parties are unable to resolve their legal case by mutual agreement, then the judge will call the case for trial. 

A verdict is the decision of a jury (or judge, in the case of a bench trial) at the conclusion of a trial. However, a settlement can still occur post-trial pending an appeal. It can also happen while the case is being tried in court. It is important to understand that a legal matter can be settled at any time until the case is fully closed.

Most car accident cases – over 99 percent – are resolved by settlement, rather than verdict.

Should I accept the insurance company’s settlement offer?

Your auto insurance is supposed to cover your injuries after a wreck. You pay premiums for years in exchange for the confidence that you will be taken care of if something goes horribly wrong. Unfortunately, many victims of auto accidents discover this isn’t true when their insurance company focuses more on protecting their profits than helping their customers recover.

Insurance is a business like any other, and insurance companies lose money when they pay high accident settlements. That means insurers routinely offer less than the accident claims are worth, relying on customers’ lack of familiarity with the process and potential financial desperation after a wreck to keep them from having to pay out a full and fair amount.

In some cases, particularly cases of severe injury, insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying at all, even when their own policy contracts say they should. This dishonest behavior victimizes hardworking families twice: first, through the accident itself; and second through the stress and strain of dealing with financial worries on top of their injuries.

Remembering these tactics is crucial after a car wreck. Your insurance company (or that of the other driver) will likely contact you to make a settlement offer. Before you accept it, get in touch with an experienced Clayton County car accident attorney. During your free consultation, your lawyer will evaluate your case and determine if the insurance company is making a fair offer. If they are not, your lawyer can negotiate or litigate (take the case to court) to fight for the compensation you are owed.

Speak to a Jonesboro Car Accident Attorney Today

The secret is out: Jonesboro is a great place for commuters, tourists, and those who were “born and bred here” to reside. But because it has become so popular, more and more vehicles share Clayton County’s roads. Many of these roads are not designed for heavy traffic, and even the local highways quickly become clogged. 

Heavier traffic naturally leads to more car wrecks. When traffic is slow, these accidents may result in little more than bumper damage and perhaps a few cuts and bruises. But when a serious collision occurs, the risk of suffering catastrophic or even fatal injuries increases dramatically. 

If you have been injured in a car wreck in Clayton due to someone else’s actions or negligence, you have rights. The skilled attorneys at Scholle Law have successfully represented car accident victims throughout Georgia for over 25 years. 

To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a Jonesboro car accident lawyer, call us at (866) 592-1296 or contact us online today.